Are Haribo Gummy Bears Gluten-Free?

Are Haribo Gummy Bears Gluten Free

Finding the perfect sweet treat that’s also gluten-free can be a hard task. Intolerances and allergies can get in the way of our daily lives and our abilities to enjoy food and drink. However, there are plenty of gluten-free sweets that you can indulge in, without the dreaded feeling of it making you ill afterward.

Haribo has been declared one of the top favorite sweet brands, and they’re not just popular amongst the kids – adults love them too! Haribo Goldbears, or gummy bears, are flavored sweets in the shape of little bears.

So, you’ll want to know, are Haribo gummy bears gluten-free?

Yes, they are! Like a majority of other Haribo products, Haribo gummy bears don’t contain any gluten and are therefore safe to eat.

We’ll dig a little deeper into the ingredients and nutritional information, so you have everything that you need to know about Haribo gummy bears.

Are All Haribo’s Gluten-Free?

Gummy bears are an enjoyable sweet treat for everyone, but you might want to branch out to other variations. If gummy bears are gluten-free, surely everything else is, right?

Well, not necessarily. While there are very few products that wouldn’t be suitable for gluten intolerances or allergies, there are some that you should avoid. These are:

  • Black Licorice Wheels
  • Red Licorice Wheels
  • Sour S’ghetti
  • Fruity Pasta


Ingredients may vary depending on the country of purchase.

For Haribo gummy bears in the US, the ingredients are:

Sugar, Dextrose, Gelatine, Glucose Syrup, Flavoring, Fruit Juice from Concentrate: orange, pineapple, raspberry, apple, lemon, strawberry, Citric Acid, Fruit and Plant Concentrates: apple, kiwi, lemon, blackcurrant, orange, passion fruit, elderberry, grape, mango, safflower, Aronia, spirulina, elderberry extract, glazing agents: carnauba was, beeswax.

(Note: As you can tell from the ingredients because Haribo gummy bears contain gelatine, they’re not suitable for vegetarians or vegans)

Nutritional Information

This is the nutritional information for Haribo gummy bears. 100g of Haribo gummy bears contains 0.5g fat, 77g carbohydrates, 6.9g protein, 46g sugar, and 343 calories!

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